Facial Recognition

Future readiness for facial recognition enables streamlined stakeholder verification and identification through artificial intelligence.

Can your business recognise the people that matter?

Future readiness for facial recognition enables streamlined stakeholder verification and identification through artificial intelligence.

You have the data and we have the technology to ensure that your business can take advantage of the innovation that facial recognition offers through cognitive services, machine learning, stream analytics, and Dynamics 365.

Our intelligent people recognition offering comprises an assessment to establish what it is that you need to recognise the people most important to your business, and how we can use technology to get you there.

Why use intelligent facial recognition?

  • Establish your facial recognition roadmap to ensure future competitiveness.
  • Visual identity management.
  • Instant, verified enrolment or application.
  • Enhanced customer experience.
  • Industry 4.0 experience – taking engagements to the next level.
  • Increased efficiency and reduced costs.
  • Internal automation and integrated systems management.


  • Serves as an AI-readiness roadmap.
  • Cements your future competitiveness.
  • Allows better control over data integrity.
  • Speeds up slow verification processes.
  • Enhances customer service processes.
  • Integrates and automates disparate and paper-intensive environments.