Recognise your Clients

Take banking and insurance to the next level with the innovative capabilities of Facial Recognition.

As an FSPl can your business recognise the people that matter?

Future readiness for facial recognition enables streamlined stakeholder verification and identification through artificial intelligence.

Avail the next level of financial services security, efficiency and competitiveness with Facial Recognition – built on the powerful and secure capabilities of Artificial Intelligence and Azure.

With Facial Recognition FSP’s can:

  • Deliver an industry 4.0 experience – take client engagements to the next level.
  • Enable internal automation and integrated systems management.
  • Ensure secure service transactions.
  • Establish your facial recognition roadmap to ensure future competitiveness.
  • Visual identity management.
  • Instant, verified enrolment or application.

The Financial Services Industry is continuously disrupted by the innovative solutions that Artificial Intelligence has unleashed, enabling FSP’s to take client engagement and loyalty to the next level.

Clients are demanding faster and better innovative financial services that enable them to manage their financial needs on the go from anywhere, anyplace. When visits to an FSP are required the interaction should be seamless, fast and secure.

Next generation FSP experiences are realised through the automation of financial services processes and streamlining of service delivery, ensuring that clients come first and that their financial management experiences are user-friendly, fast and secure.


Mint Group comprises more than 17 year’s worth of experience of seamlessly blending people, processes and technology to foster customer centricity and ensure disruption in the Financial Services Industry.

Apply the powerful capabilities of Facial Recognition to your customer centricity roadmap by utilising the features of Artifical Intelligence and realise the following benefits:

Speeds up slow verification processes

Integrates and automates disparate and paper-intensive environments

Enhances customer service processes

Allows better control over data integrity

Serves as an AI-readiness roadmap

Cements your future competitiveness